Joomla! 1.6 continues development of the Joomla Framework and CMS as a powerful and flexible way to bring your vision of the web to reality. With the administrator now fully MVC, the ability to control its look and the management of extensions is now complete.
College High (又稱「大學爽」),創辦2009年,為台灣最早創辦之5 vs. 5團體校際街舞battle賽,賽制致敬日本經典電玩「格鬥天王」模式,
雙方各派一員上場,勝方續戰敗方淘汰,先耗盡選手則落敗,為Team SKIP原創之街舞賽制。
無疑,College High在大學街舞界裡擔任了相當重要的推手,不少原本勤奮練習卻默默無聞的大學舞者,搖身一變成為家喻戶曉的神人學長姐。
2012年起加入「Bboy 5 on 5」、「Girls freestyle 2 on 2」,及單舞風「無雙個人賽」等項目,使得比賽模式更加分門別類,專業度更升級。
至今College High的榮耀依然是全國大學街舞舞者的目標,印有「全國制霸」的後扣帽是千錘百鍊的象徵,紫金配色的錦旗更是堪稱最有意義的社團擺飾,
If this is your first Joomla site or your first web site, you have come to the right place. Joomla will help you get your website up and running quickly and easily.
Start off using your site by logging in using the administrator account you created when you installed Joomla!.
There are lots of places you can get help with Joomla!. In many places in your site administrator you will see the help icon. Click on this for more information about the options and functions of items on your screen. Other places to get help are:
It's easy to get started creating your website. Knowing some of the basics will help.
What is a Content Management System?
A content management system is software that allows you to create and manage webpages easily by separating the creation of your content from the mechanics required to present it on the web.
In this site, the content is stored in a database. The look and feel are created by a template. The Joomla! software brings together the template and the content to create web pages.
Site and Administrator
Your site actually has two separate sites. The site (also called the front end) is what visitors to your site will see. The administrator (also called the back end) is only used by people managing your site. You can access the administrator by clicking the "Site Administrator" link on the "This Site" menu or by adding /administrator to the end of you domain name.
Log in to the administrator using the username and password created during the installation of Joomla!.
Logging in
To login to the front end of your site use the login form or the login menu link on the "This Site" menu. Use the user name an password that were created as part of the installation process. Once logged in you will be able to create and edit articles.
In managing your site, you will be able to create content that only logged in users are able to see.
Creating an article
Once you are logged in, a new menu will be visible. To create a new article, click on the "submit article" link on that menu.
The new article interface gives you a lot of options, but all you need to do is add a title an put something in the content area. To make it easy to find, set the state to published an put it in the Joomla! category.
Learn more
There is much more to learn about how to use Joomla! to create the web site you envision. You can learn much more at the Joomla! documentation site and on the Joomla! forums.